Enters the season without a recognised goalkicker.
Baffling use of interchanges(Trout & Walshaw)effectively played those games with only 16 men.
Appears not to want to make changes unless forced by injury,even though some players form doesnt merit selection,eg Mellars.
Distinct lack of any attacking moves.
Too many appear devoid of any real passion.
Tim Smith:
Will you stop turning the ball back on the inside,its boring and predictable and maybe try and take the line on a bit more.
Tim Smith & Isaac John:
Would help if you gave the centres some decent passes,when they actually have a bit of space to work with.
Collis & Mellars
I know its frustrating getting crap service all day,but you still have to defend.
Andy Raleigh:
It maybe an idea to run onto the ball,rather than go from a standing start.
Danny Washbrook:
What exactly does he offer from a pivotal position?Or is he just a mate of Agars?
Im quite surprised that many supporters seemed content with todays display,personally i thought it was gash,boring and unacceptable.I dont for one minute believe that the fundamental flaws will be ironed out by giving the team "time to gel".
It seems to me that the heart and soul have been ripped out of the team and replaced by a group of players that appear content to just turn up and take their money.Not even Paul Johnson seems to be running with the same gutso as he did last year.For me the most outstanding player to date this season is Kyle Wood -- and he just happens to be local.
Agar needs to show some bottle and make changes after 4 defeats on the bounce.Players from the u20s need to know they will get an opportunity to stake a claim --- not a token 5 minutes like Walshaw got today.
Walshaw to start in place of Mellars
Wood start at hooker
Aiton(injury permitting) to LF in place of Washbrook
Ellis in on bench.
Amor in for Raleigh'"
Find it hard to argue with any of that!!!
I would add, that if we are only playing with one recognised prop and southern in the front row, having Walshaw on there is ludicrous, surely having Trout or A.N Onother prop on the bench or in the team would make more sense than having leaving Walshaw to gather splinters there.
On Walshaw, if he's good enough to be on the bench play him, I've seen nothing yet from Collis or Mellars that should put them higher up the pecking order.
Ellis without question should be in the squad IMO with Wood as interchange hooker, the whole dynamic of our game changed (again!!!!) when Wood came on and Aiton went to 13 (this should be all three's regular positions from this game on) both added direct running and gave Issac John a bit more time.
Issac John, showed improvement yesterday, although at times i thought he looked a little lost but i would have loved to have seen him ground his kick through.
Big Ali needs to be coming off the bench and running at tyring players to best exploit his attributes.
That'll do for now.
This week if fit i'd go:
Interchange Wood Ellis and Aiton if needs be at 9, and if Smith isn't doing anything at 7, interchange Wood with him.
IMO Agar has contributed to three home losses we could have actually won (certainly two of them) by picking ridiculous teams, he wasn't a popular choice and if he continues to pick players that are not best suited it won't be long until the banners are out.
This side is capable of so much more.