Quote J20="J20"Slightly different is it not? Aren't the only issues with your new ground the location of the site? They already have that so just an expansion of where they are which is a lot easier to get then the land full stop.'"
I was involved with the Tottenham stadium project briefly earlier this year and it is a highly complex project. The new ground actual sits, sort of, alongside the existing one and actually one end of the new ground (the stand) encroaches on the old ground. This is where I was involved, while doing some contract work for a rather large steel fabricator. They are going to construct 75% of the new ground, which sits alongside the current ground first, and then move in, with the stand behind the goal posts left out because the pitch literally backs up to the back of one of the existing stands at one end. They are then going to demolish the old ground, while playing in the 75% complete new one, and then finish the new one off! Massive undertaking and the steel fabricator I was doing some work for was looking at a solution to efficiently and effectively build and stabilise the 75% complete stadium it it's temporary condition. This might sound easy to the layman, but because the new ground is a bowl design, like Wembley, stopping the thing from racking over until it is finished is a huge structural problem!
As for location of the site, Tottenham have had to buy up a huge area of shops, flats and some existing flats & homes to get the site and I understand that is not quite sorted yet either. They will be diverting some major roads around the site and Sainsbury's are building a news store close by. The old site will then be a mixed use development to replace the amenities lost for the new site.
Newmarket pails into insignificance alongside these proposals and the planning issues it has raised locally and throughout London. So yes, it is slightly different, their issues are much bigger and more complex than Newmarket!