hi bullseye,
im not sure all the crap we had to endure from bradford over the years will be forgotten easily by some of our fans.
all the pulling down, name calling,derogatory remarks, vile stuff about our owner, how we are not fit to stand on the same terraces as bulls fans, how they can't wait for us to go bust and back to the 3rd division etc etc, not to mention, taking potential fans away from us when we needed them most.
we said things would change in our favour one day, and now they have, it's karma as far as i'm concerned, you lot dished plenty out for years and now it's your turn to bend over and get some back.
i doubt the bitterness will ever go away despite us being a better run club that your so called "peoples club" have ever been, it's one thing enjoying success and all that comes with it, it's another thing losing your shambles of a club to compensate that.
i have lots of sympathy for the players,staff and long standing northern fans who,like us, stuck with our club in the bad times.the rest of the wully bully brigade can

kiss mine!