Quote Ruddy Duck="Ruddy Duck"
Perhaps. this new owner who is not even a resident of our country needs to be educated on what the name of Boston and a joint Stadium means to the people and the town of Wigan.'"
This is exactly the issue though!
As i said elsewhere, the only intel (sic) they get in respect of the town is from latics fans...the majority of whom have a chip on their shoulder and perpetuate untruths and hyperbole to make us out to be the enemy.
The bahrani's seem to be lapping this up without questioning....perhaps because it reinforces their beliefs about what rugby is (undoubtedly viewing us as a union club and not recognising the distinction).
So what we see is them being intentionally antagonistic, which only raises their stock with the numpty latics fanbase, which drives more and more problems. Unfortunately I think its a case of strapping ourselves in and rolling with the punches for the next couple of years until the Bahranis lose interest in the same way as the Chinese lot.
Ultimately, the only way of breaking this nonsense cycle that ties us to the 'boom and bust' of wigan latics is making a successful play for the ground next time they enter administration. Its just a shame the admins wouldn't release the ground for more than the Bahranis actually paid for the whole lot!

(£3.5 mil was lenegans offer but he sensibly didn't want the football club as he would have needed to commit to 6mil of future losses).
If Lenaghan had been successful both clubs would be in a much better position IMO. Latics would have a fair and reasonably long lease at the stadium, there would have been no acrimony and only a desire to work together as partners, and Latics would have been more likely to find a community / UK owner who could help them become stable as a sustainable L1 club.
If only eh!
A real sliding doors moment which would have been much better in the long run for both clubs, and would have done a lot to cut the nonsense and acrimony