Quote Ceebeejames="Ceebeejames"[ui will be there son[/u. I will chat with some of my friends who are wakey fans. They are not the fans who brown nosed Ted for years or even worse those fans who only criticised him after he left. They are fans who thought the billing of the 'BIG EVENT' on Wednesday was embarrassingly OTT and they are the fans that think Hickey turning up fat in wakefield is taking the p*ss. [uClearly you will not be among such people[/u.'"
I hope you pay as well dear, we need all the funds we can get. Friends who are Wakey fans

its a good job there aren't more than 12 of them then or you would have to take your shoes and socks off to count them

who is this ted you have an affection for? is he an uncle or your stepfather even, what ever he is you don't seem to be able to erase him from your one track mind, a woman scorned and all that eh

as for not being among such people as yourself, too true I don't mix with freeloaders and groupies'

hth too
Quote Ceebeejames="Ceebeejames"[uI know where I will look out for you...... There are still a group of slow witted fans -who look like the results of generations of in breeding [/u Amidst their grunts to eachother they seem unable to verbalise a sentence without using the F word. HTH'"
Sorry to disappoint you jessie, but I won't be stood with the Hudds fans that is for sure

and I am sure you saw that sort of thing up and around the Marsden area and will have gained first hand knowledge of it hth as well