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| Old Chestnut
Fans will not flock back to watch Leigh until promotion & relegation returns, there is no other sport where winning the division you play in is not rewarded by promotion into the higher division,it is not enough to just support a winning team fans need a prize at the end a chance to play in SL.
Currently fans are asked to dig deep into there pockets and to what long term end to see all our better players moving to SL clubs, all we are is a feeder club for SL teams or in the case of DUAL REG PLAYERS a way of keeping there players match fit and being coached by IM.
Potential fans dont just need to watch a winning team they also need to know they are buying into a possible long term future in SL. currently this is not the case 3 years is a long time to wait.
Im sure this situation also influenced AT and his decision to stand down,3 years is a long time to finance players and coaching staff, if promotion and relegation was still used AT would still be at the club knowing he would be in SL next season with a possible chance of a financial return on his investment.
We have a winning team but no longevity.
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| Some interesting thoughts.
First up I understood what Maurice and Starbug meant (when talking about the money put into Toulouse et al) however RL is a sport to the fans, its a business to the investors and owners (and to be honest I'm not entirely sure thats true - would Dave Whelan continue pouring circa 68 million into one of his business's for no return as he does Wigan Athletic,even owners can get emotional and passionate about sports clubs unlike they would about there day to day buisness's).
Leigh need more fans.
Unfortunatly so does every other sports club in the area just as every pub needs more punters ,every sports hall needs more customers and every shop needs more business etc, etc - the choice for our spare money is now huge, and loyalty is a thing of the past as many RL clubs are finding out.
There is no magic wand, its solid hard graft to keep standing still let alone progress, the team playing and winning as recent as 10 years ago would have been seen as a big attraction - not now.
An example : £40.00 Admittance(2adult 1 child) £15.00 Food/Drink/Programme/Half Time draw and £5.00 Travel costs, so rougly £60.00 to watch Leigh, not too bad perhaps
However if I said heres £60.00 would you think, lets go to the LSV and watch Leigh, or would you say lets spend it on a meal, or lets get something in and watch Live RL on TV, or would you go to the football match or even spend it in a pub/wacky warehouse, would you even know about Leigh playing or would you want to watch top flight RL instead?
The additional ones we are now slowly seeing is, Lets keep it back as my job isn't secure
or lets save it for one of the better games.
No easy answers above, however its the answers our club and every other needs to find to survive.
No wonder Arthur stepped down ! !
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No easy answers above, however its the answers our club and every other needs to find to survive.
No wonder Arthur stepped down ! !'"
Yes they do need to find the answers , but first you have to find the right questions
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| Everyone here can talk the talk, how about walking the walk, myself, Frank b, Charlie Caroli, senior, junior and miss caroli have all been tonight playing Poker to riase funds for the club. Frank coming all the way form Salford on a Tuesday night.
Then we have |Derick running the forcast comp with just a bit of help from me and a couple of other fans.
Also I run the LISA coaches and I have Leigh 24/7 and one other fans and a couple of local shops whos owners are fans helping that to be sucessful.
These three things alone, all under the LISA banner will bring in a few thousand pounds, so instead of trying to post ideas on here, do something!!!!!!!!! or join us!!
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| Any takers?
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| No one is knocking what of any of you do, and to be honest I truthfully admire the passion, commitment and effort you all put in. But the simple facts are some people (existing fans) either don’t want to play poker, go on coaches, even be LISA/Lotto members, or simply can’t afford/don’t want to do any more than buy their ticket, and perhaps a bit of merchandise.
Which is why IMO we need new fans, or new ideas, even when we have all four stands open, shirts on every kid in the town, 50% of supporters Lotto/LISA members we should still listen to peoples ideas regardless of what they are willing to do to help implement them.