Quote Wire Yed="Wire Yed"a) Crowd (Forsyth Bar Stadium Capacity 30,748): 28,500
b) Score and Winning team: 28-20 England
c) First try (England): Ryan Hall
d) Time of first try: 12 minutes
e) Last try (any team, player not time): Ryan Hall, England.
f) Kicks over the sticks (combined): 10
g) Samoa v Australia: Aus by 8.
(Winning team and by how many)
Explained for those unsure.
A) Within 500 of your guess.
B) Format is (England 12 v 14 New Zealand).
C) Name of 1st England try scorer.
D) The minute of the first try.
E) Last try, any player from any teams name.
F) Any points off the boot (drop goal, converted try, penalty) from both teams combined.
G) Pick the winning team and the margin not the score eg (Samoa by 10 points)'"