Hi All
I've been working with Angela Powers on the new Her Rugby League Association, some of you may have seen it in the media/twitter/Boots n All etc.
We have a "Her Big Night Out" event we're holding at the England v Exiles game on 14th June, it's not only open to women, everyone is welcome.
Tickets are £40 which includes Hospitality seats during the game, food, a dance group performing before the game and during half time, cider on arrival

and opportunity to meet some of the players after the game.
Details are here
herrugbyleague.co.uk/conference/test/ but email me also if you'd like more info.
Please share it with anyone you think might want to come along, we really want to get people there who don't normally watch RL to get more people through the turnstiles at our local clubs.
Thanks in advance