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| Some of the comments on here are laughable. I had to check the date then to realise it wasn't the early 1900s and it was in fact 2012.
Somebody used the term Dinosaur. That sums up some of the views perfectly.
If you think the divide between League and Union and indeed the working and middle classes is still exactly how it used to be you are absolutely warped.
Here's the harsh reality - I don't mean this in a snobby way as I like both codes, but a lot of Union fans don't actually give League the time of day. Now before you quote me on that one line let me make it clear what I mean. They don't think about League, it doesn't pass their minds, they get on supporting their own team, their own sport. It's not just me who feels this way, this comment I'm about to use is used on this, the Wigan forum and the Union thread too - but a lot of League fans have a chip on their shoulder when it comes to Union. It's a shame, as no Union fan I've ever met has had a bad word to say about the other code. As a United fan (Manchester United, but of course being from Salford you all support them and know who they are anyway) I know exactly what it's like. Stockport County fans absolutely hate us and City. Yet you ask a single United fan to name a Stockport player and they couldn't. Not through ignorance, not through dislike, but because Stockport simply don't effect their lives, it's not a club that doesn't pass through their minds. A lot of League fans seem to take a negative stand from the start. All because of a period that even their Grandfathers would be too young to remember. I think a very small minority of League fans care more about being working class than they care about their team. So what? You're working class? Good for you. So am I, it's not something I care about though or feel the need to go on about. Football is historically a working class sport, isn't it? You don't hear the fans going on about it all the time. Maybe that's to do with the fact times change. You're not telling me working class Joe pays £110 for a ticket at Arsenal every week are you? Has a corporate box at Old Trafford? My mates are all working class, yet some have done well for themselves, got 2 houses, 2 cars. Surely on paper they're middle class? Again, times change, things expand and develop. It's not as black and white as it once was. So no, the divide isn't the same as it once was.
If you're using historic references and judging Union as a sport for the middle classes down south, then fine. But in all my years supporting Sale I've never come across one toff, one person with plumbs in their mouth, one person who hates Rugby League. Over on our forum we've got Catalans, Wigan, Salford, Warrington and St Helens fans. Bitterness is a terrible thing. Whether you've been brought up to hate Union or whatever, fine. That's your life. But don't be coming on here telling us you know more about Sale fans than the Sale fans themselves without checking your facts first. I understand some people have had personal interactions with the League and Union divide, I'm not coming on here to tell you you're wrong. If that's happened to you, then it has, and it's a shame. I'm not thick enough to believe that elitism doesn't still exist in some areas. Personally though I couldn't give a . Granted there aren't many Sale or Rugby Union fans where I live compared to Football. But for me it's about the class on the field, not off it.
As I've said on here before - it's lucky a few of you are obviously keyboard warriors. As the majority are very pleasant and have been welcoming to Sale fans in the flesh and online. iBozz is a good guy and a gent, so to take what he said, knowing full well it was a nice, welcoming message and turning it into your own paranoia about Union still killing League is just not on.
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| Quote Wayward Fan="Wayward Fan"I remember the captain of the union team at my university tried to block our path at every turn when we first started up a rugby league team. He lobbied the management of the university to block our application for recognition/funding, tried to have us banned from using the university sports grounds, threatened to ban any of their players who turned out to play for us and, when all that failed, he then tried to get us banned from using the word rugby in the name of the club in case it 'confused' anyone.
I found this bloke's ignorance and bigotry towards another sport completely baffling, but I'd like to think that the world has changed for the better. I can understand why some on here are apprehensive, but I'm disappointed that more people aren't able to keep more of an open mind before condemning and judging those - from both clubs - seem sincere in their wish to make things work.
The proof of the pudding will be in the eating but it's a shame that one or two people seem to offer the impression that they want problems to emerge.'"
Sounds just like at York University...is it?