First of all they circled their prey with just their fin breaking the water .... if they can scavenge they will
Then they strike and strike hard (this will be in the form of negotiating well with Peel i.e. if they (you) go down the pan then don't worry as we will still be here .... for us it was all about their false promises of looking after SCFC and our future
Then they set their PR machine in motion and no doubt their friendly 'Uncle Dave' will post a few times on here promising things like 'your history will always be uppermost in our dealings with Salford' ... with us that meant ripping memorabilia from the walls and lobbing it in the skip! apologies later ... much later!
He will also spout cr^p about 'we can have shared fans groups' ... ha ha yeah yeah
BK might appear with kids in tow wearing a Reds scarf (maybe a Sharks/Reds combined scarf ... nice!)
Look out for the 'special' shared season tickets deals and special shared ticket offers .... they like this as they can poach fans!
They will promise 'equal respect' .... then they kicked us out of the club shop into a 'broom cupboard' and stopped us using the boardroom
It starts with slow subtle changes .... already started for you i.e. different colour lights on match days, separate advertising that slowly becomes 'left up' and it will be with much bigger and profitable 'sponsors' than yours so needs leaving in place
I ask one question ... he is worth something like £365 million or something like ... why do they not just build there own? why act like parasites latching onto a 'host' body?
They have finished with Edgeley now ..... its falling apart, the roofs have asbestos issues, the Conference & Banqueting area is like a greasy spoon, they have invested next to nowt and SCFC are to carry on renting what was our once proud home.
None of this might happen to you of course and it might go really, really well?
No ... of course it WILL go really, really well ..... for them!!!!
Best of luck in your new relationship

just watch for the PR spin