Quote TheButcher="TheButcher"Dantes Inferno to set himself alight in protest at Wilkinson/Tarry...
...Well, we can always wish eh?'"
Well you lot as we know that "Inferno"... re Dante has it's "circles", and I must admit he appears to have chosen his Avatar well.
1. "Limbo". following last seasons debacle, is there a Reds fan that doesn't understand this word?
2. "Lust" . Which of any of us over the years hasn't "lusted" for either a fair press,or the "rub of the green"?
3. "Gluttony". I think we've ALL had a stomach full of "bulls**t" management over the years.
4. "Greed". Well we have been accused of thinking of our pockets rather than the future of a young star.
5. "Anger". I'll keep this one short. Phil Veivers/Saints/Friday last.
6. "Heresy". There has been enough of this around in the recent past with the slagging of JAW!
7. " Violence" Well there appears to be no shortage of Reds fans wanting to submit DI to this.
8. " Fraud". Is DI really a true Reds fan? or is he just another cheap troll? only he can tell us.
9. "Treachery". Well I'll see what he has to say in reply to "fraud" first then decide. His credibilty in balance!
All the best you lot.