Quote bulls2487="bulls2487"Where does it say they aren't honoring the tickets?. The last line as said previous says they will honor the tickets but not the extra benefits which is why they are advising you to claim a refund'"
Ticket office today said they are NOT honoring tickets (with or without "benefits") bought with credit cards, so their statement that they would is a lie. When the statement was made there were no qualifying conditions placed on it as to the type of payment.
Do I buy a new ST and await a refund from the CC cos. What if they do not pay out for some reason. Can I afford to effectively buy the same ticket twice? and why should I have to?
The office suggested that whilst I am waiting for a refund I can pay on the gate. After paying on gate, £20 in my case, for 4/5 matches, will I have to pay full price for an ST for the rest of the season?
Could they not issue temporary ST for for us until the CC cos decide?
I asked if I would get a replacement ticket if the CC cos decided not to refund.. no answer.
The cc companies have 8 weeks to respond. This is not for a decision.. that takes longer - expect 12 weeks for actual money back.
Oh, and for those of you that have had a CC refund from your bank you might find that this is only temporary until a final decision is made and can be reversed
I have been a regular supporter from pre 1963, seen good and bad administrations, but this is probably most blatant lie I have ever come across.
I can not and will not support yet another administration that I do not trust.
Sad end to what has been a wonderful journey.