Hi All,
At the club, we are always looking for the best ways to keep everyone informed so someone has suggested that this would be a perfect chance for us to keep in touch.
Please feel free to ask me anything but I will never promise to answer them all! Sometimes, I simply won't know. Others, I may not be able to say until confirmed.
With this in mind, I'd just like to remind everyone that
all TeamCard points expire at midnight on Saturday
If you haven't already used the points you have earned in 2011, these will become null and void at this time.
You can keep earning points for internet shopping by logging on to the TeamCard website (there's a link on the left hand column of the Bulls website named "My TeamCard"). You can then use these points for discounts on the 2012 replica shirt & other Bulls merchandise or even start earning points towards your 2013 membership!
Thanks for your time,
The Bulls