Quote robbieboxWell Dewsbury are just childish if they won't give up the home fixture. They're not in with a chance anyway
Get over yourself!!!
Quote robbiebox="robbiebox"
That my friend is in itself a pretty childish comment , Dewsbury may have a way smaller fan base than the bulls but do not be so condescending as those few Dewsbury fans are entitled to see their team at home after being fairly drawn there . to give up home advantage may be the best financial option but it would also be a slap in the face for the 800-1000 who have braved some pretty grim times over the years to follow their team . Just remember friend that if it wasnt for Dewsbury and featherstone primarily there likely would be no bulls now as when bradford northern went bust in the 60s with gates smaller than Dewsburys now these two clubs lent bradford nearly a full team of players and even gave them a strip to play in so the new Bradford northern could start the following season . do not be so eager to put down the little man as there but for the grace of god ................'"
Thank you my friend.
This is more than we could of hoped for, should be a fantastic game. We all really know the out come, but hey, just maybe we could see similar if not better results than out last two friendly fixtures. We Rams can dream