Mostly you're all blinded by the disastrous passages of play we've unarguably displayed at times, plus 2 drubbings by Wigan and Wire, and have wiped from your memory banks the great deal of good rugby we have played, even in many games we have ended up not winning, or contriving to lose.
Leaving aside the two "debacle" games, and perhaps oversimplifying quite a bit, the problem has not mostly been inability to play, it has been inability to defend, aided and abetted by some really poor decision making and matical respect for the ball.
Quote debacleit is now clear Leeds were just at a low ebb over Easter '"
Balderdash. That's no more true than the converse argument (we "caught every other team on a good day"). The game against Leeds was a very hard fought contest against two very committed teams, and we came out on top. Whether Leeds were "at their best" is hardly the point. It was their FIRST game of the Easter period, and they can only play as much as their opponents let them play.
In fact, the obvious fact (well, plainly obvious to me) that we CAN play is making the shambolic season all the more frustrating for me. If we really were crap, it wouldn't be so bad, I could live with that and indeed have done many times in the past.