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| With news that there was a 'small demonstration' behind the main stand after todays game, have we now entered a new phase for Castleford Tigers.
If this has happened today, it is fair to say it will happen again. Only home wins will stave off 'demonstrations' and we are sure to lose more games at home. As unhappy as I am with the progress on field this year, or lack of, I will not be protesting. We made progress last year, but someone put the brakes on it before a ball was kicked this year ?! A lack of communication now means the club as a whole, may start to break up. The body language on field, shows some players trying to disassociate themselves with other team mates when it gets tough. The supporters will start to get on the players backs as confidence dwindles and more losses will ensue. The supporters will show more discontent towards the board and coach. In essence, the Board, the Coach, the Players and the Supporters will become a fragmented team and things may get a whole lot worse before they get better. Unless, we start to win...
After Huddersfield away (where another tonking is likely), we have 2 home games against Barrow and Salford. If we lose either of those, it is likely there will be more discontent on the terraces, possibly on a larger scale.
I'm not sure where I am with the whole of this as there are a number of things not rosy this year and as a supporter it is very difficult to approach games in a 'gap year' if you know there is no chance of winning on a weekend. If there's visible improvement within the team, if we are learning by our own mistakes, if there's passion for 80 minutes from 17 players, if there's desire from 17 players, if there's 80 minutes of effort from 17 players, if we can see our youth policy bearing fruit - then as a supporter there's a light, something in the distance to give us hope that things may get better. At the moment sadly, I don't see any catalyst for any change of where we are now, apart from the end of the season when a number of players contracts end and a player overhaul. The frustration lies that there was an opportunity to do this to a lesser extent at the end of last season, but it didn't happen.
We have another load of issues that have been done to death - on recruitment, conditioning, Stadia - washing around that we have no control over.
There is continual negativity over injuries and our small squad. We knew we would get injuries and we know we have a small squad - this excuse doesn't wash with supporters - someone do something about it ! When John Kear has similar problems, he embraces the fact and uses it as a positive for others to shine. Our PR is poor at the minute.
I don't see any point in looking for a scapegoat. I'm sure Richard Wright has the clubs best interests at heart when he goes to work everyday. I'm sure Terry Matterson is working his nuts off to try and turn things around in training every day. Supporters got behind the team this afternoon in the first half, when there was a passion and effort from ALL of the players on the field. What isn't acceptable as a supporter, is to see some of the team waving the white flag when things aren't going well. As supporters of a team, it is our responsibilty not to wave the white flag either.
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| good post
I aren't in the demo camp yet,but are as frustrated as the next person.
The club from top to bottom seem to have written this year off,only good news on the stadium front would convince me to
renew my season ticket at the moment 
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| During times of discontent we are all given the same 3 choices as ever....a) ignore it, b) moan about it, or c) do something about it. I respect those who today decided to stand up in front of board members, staff and Matterson and 'do something about it.' OK, it was a far from perfect way to express our feeling on how dire things appear to be. However, with the discontent now out in the open, the board and Matterson, now have these same 3 choices available to them.
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| Think we all just need to hear some good news out of the club! One of our players need to have a long hard look at himself or book a flight home! am not a fan of TM. but think new blood running the club is badly needed. I like all you have stuck by the club twice in the last few years AND I WONT AGAIN not after being led the garden path by Mr Wright.
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| A fantastic post Poker Face and one that should be circulated around the Castleford club, from the top to the bottom and through all the groups you mention. There's no doubt that the only thing that could lift the gloom and give us any semblance of light is the new stadium. Unfortunately, this is evermore looking like a pipe dream, and if full planning permission isn't granted soon and concrete doesn't begin getting mixed, there's little hope that the supporters will cheer up, or our young talent will stick around, or the RFL will keep us in SL.
We're really at a crossroads regarding our future. One man's neck is on the chopping block - and that is Richard Wright - and it is down to him whether this club sinks or swims. He needs to move heaven and earth to get this club on the right track. To use an Easter pun, all our eggs are with him, there's no point forcing him out unless someone can come in and get the stadium built now, so unless someone does that, our future is in his hands.
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| =#8040FFIt's pretty much a slippery slope all trickling down from the top, look how it goes:
Board (quite rightly) doesn't spend the full cap (club doesn't go bust, working within its means)
Matterson buys the wrong players for the budget
Small, unconditioned squad
Poor performance
Fan unrest
Players want to leave
More fans start to skip games due to the discontent
Less crowds = less money = less quality in the squad
All the good youngsters leave
More fans skip games due to the loss of these players
Even less money
Bye bye Super League
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| Quote Gaslight="Gaslight"=#8040FFIt's pretty much a slippery slope all trickling down from the top, look how it goes:
Board (quite rightly) doesn't spend the full cap (club doesn't go bust, working within its means)
Matterson buys the wrong players for the budget
Small, unconditioned squad
Poor performance
Fan unrest
Players want to leave
More fans start to skip games due to the discontent
Less crowds = less money = less quality in the squad
All the good youngsters leave
More fans skip games due to the loss of these players
Even less money
Bye bye Super League'"
Very simplistic but oh so true
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| yes
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| Quote Gaslight="Gaslight"=#8040FFIt's pretty much a slippery slope all trickling down from the top, look how it goes:
[size=150Board (quite rightly) doesn't spend the full cap (club doesn't go bust, working within its means)[/sizeMatterson buys the wrong players for the budget
Small, unconditioned squad
Poor performance
Fan unrest
Players want to leave
More fans start to skip games due to the discontent
Less crowds = less money = less quality in the squad
All the good youngsters leave
More fans skip games due to the loss of these players
Even less money
Bye bye Super League'"
Is not interested in investment for the last 10 years, we are good for now . The rest follows .
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| We are. It's obvious.
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| I was told on R.W's monthly blog that the club wants the support to continue and an increase in crowds by about 1000 would help toward the license application.
This to me smacks of blackmail,its like he will pass part of the blame onto us if we lose super league status,the simple fact is crowds will increase if we have a winning side to watch,or even a squad of players who give there all,(dont get me started on the coach).
Hell we have stuck by them the two years we were in N.L 1,and when we were relegated twice...We are doing our bit!
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| Quote duke street 10="duke street 10"I was told on R.W's monthly blog that the club wants the support to continue and an increase in crowds by about 1000 would help toward the license application.
This to me smacks of blackmail,its like he will pass part of the blame onto us if we lose super league status,the simple fact is crowds will increase if we have a winning side to watch,or even a squad of players who give there all,(dont get me started on the coach).
Hell we have stuck by them the two years we were in N.L 1,and when we were relegated twice...We are doing our bit!'"
Fair comment - the only way we're going to see an increase in numbers through the turnstiles is if they have a good reason to attend. At the moment the club simply aren't fulfilling that, either on or off the field.