Quote Brew="Brew"As far as I understand it the Council put out a contract to tender, different companies could then apply for the contract.
The Winner (EMC in this case) get to run the facilities. and pass on a percentage to the council.
Same situation as if the council decided to franchise out a cafe in a sports centre for example.
I may be wrong though. But If I'm right, EMC set the prices, to cover their costs, make a profit for themselves and a profit for the council'"
At the meeting at The Shay with Basil Hosseini and Russell Moore(?), where we were shown around the new stand, we were told that the pricing is the council's decision and that EMC don't take anything of the takings / profits. I thought that was strange myself but that is what we were told. How they benefit from it? Well like I said, maybe it's through their suppliers somehow, because they seem to sell the same stuff in each stadium they "run".